Improving communication at work

Improving communication at work

Improving communication at work

Designing and development of the infrastructure of e-learning modules around communication. Establishing a unified visual style for the series, creating a streamlined framework for setting up new courses, and working on a scalable back-end for it’s marketing and distribution.

Designing and development of the infrastructure of e-learning modules around communication. Establishing a unified visual style for the series, creating a streamlined framework for setting up new courses, and working on a scalable back-end for it’s marketing and distribution.

Designing and development of the infrastructure of e-learning modules around communication. Establishing a unified visual style for the series, creating a streamlined framework for setting up new courses, and working on a scalable back-end for it’s marketing and distribution.






UX/UI Design


UX/UI Design


UX/UI Design


Visual style development

Establishing a cohesive visual style across the series. This involved collaborating with a creative team to design assets that reflect the analog aesthetic while ensuring consistency.

Design framework and templates

We created a comprehensive design system, streamlining the design and development of new course material for the series.

Course Infrastructure

Implementation of the course product pages infrastructure. CMS-based for easy course management and sales. This system empowered our internal design team to handle course updates and additions without external web development support.

Quiz assessments

Designing and developing quiz assessments that accompany each course module. These assessments serve both as a marketing tool and as an integral part of the learning process, helping users gauge their progress. Read more about this here.

Product infrastructure

To support the company’s B2B model, we ensured a smooth handover of course modules, with automated processes for data collection, sales, and integration into client e-learning platforms.

E-learning content

In collaboration with a creative team, we continually contributed to the development of new course content, adding fresh perspectives and enhancing the learning experience within the CQ series.

CQ social awareness

We reached our target audiences through thoughtful awareness campaigns and made the series available to larger companies, supporting team-wide improvement in workplace communication.

Group learning and certification

The series was provided as a group learning experience, aligning teams in communication skills. Completion awarded CQ certificate, symbolizing enhanced Communication Intelligence.